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a world of peace

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The sence of being

Sensitivety has always been my strongest point. Already when I was a child I felt this special gift. Through the years of growing up I developed this gift and I have been blessed with a natural sense of 'good' and 'bad' which you could call 'pureness'. In daily life I use this pure feeling for example during meditation, but also during my daily routines in which I am aware of all the things around me. It helps me to understand situations right from the beginning. This awareness protects me from bad and negative influences around me. And this awareness is HOW I STARTED to develop myself as a yoga teacher. Namasté... My Namasté.

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The sence of being

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"During the precious moments of meditation you will experience the sence of being"
Body - Mind - Soul

While finding a good position on your carpet and while relaxing your body, you will start to remove thoughts from your mind. Body and mind now are working to get into contact with your soul. Once your soul is in connection with your body and mind, you will find inner peace and the sence of being. A sensation of lightness starts to come over you and peace will finally find its way to your body and mind. "During the precious moments of meditation you will experience the sence of being". This discipline has many positive effects on our health and is an excellent remedy for overcoming stress. The main goal of Yoga in fact is to help us to be happy and to achieve physical and emotional well-being.

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Namasté, Rosa Maria
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